Thursday, January 10, 2013

Chumash Test Prep

I am very excited about a recent innovation. Before the latest Chumash test, I sent a  letter to the parents to help them help their kids study. I got great feedback, the students felt successful when they came into the test and best yet - their scores went up - showing real learning had taken place!  


ערב שבת,  פרשת שמות
Dear Parents,

This Wednesday, there will be a test on ________________________. Here are some ideas how to study for the test

Test section          How to studyChecklist
Translate phrasesReview the פסוקים.Can I translate the Pesukim without the linear translation sheets?Which phrases do I need to review?
עַל מִי נאמרAsk Who & What questions about the phrases.When there is a pronoun, can I say who that pronoun in referring to?
מִי אָמַר לְמִיWhen someone is talking, pay attention who is talking. Use previous pesukim for helpCan I say who is talking and to whom
What phrase in the פָּסוּקִים says . . .Summarize the phrases in your own wordsCan I summarize the phrases in the פָסוּק  in my own words
שרשיםStudy flash cards.Which ones don’t I know?
רש"י’s questionReview the רש"י sheets.Do I know why Rashi is making a comment? That is Rashi’s question. What is Rashi’s explanation of the דִיבּוּר הַמַתְחִיל?
If you have any questions, please call me. I’m always happy to help!

Mrs. Hochheimer

I read this note with my child, and my child understands how to study for a  Chumash test.

Signature: ______________________________________________

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